Employee Salaries

A special system of personnel working on the continuous updating of databases personnel, starting from an appointment and even conduct Collapse enrollment and termination is designed and developed personnel system a way that makes it easy for all employees of Personnel Affairs Department and other municipal employees to query balances holidays the request for leave and salary statement printing and other services needed by the municipal staff without reference to the section through applications based on confidential employee number and an identification number for each employee and queries to access the system

  1. Record all data Saudi Food and Drug municipal and maintain all their documents through electronic archiving
  2. Ended data recording and other services with electronic archiving
  3. Credit registry data and the number of installments are automatically terminated
  4. Print decisions (appointment - upgrade - the appointment of workers - seconded Nql- Collapse under D-service - termination - was transferred to another job upgrade - Hsm- leave - palm Alid..k)
  5. Print employees of municipal data (collectively - individually)
  6. Print reports (retired - eligible for promotion - loans staff and workers Statements - Statement salary - the remaining term to retire - ending their services ... etc)
  7. Print marches salaries of all employees of the municipality and the municipal council (collectively or individually) and Messier bottom salaries
  8. Print Messier Mandate and out constantly and bonuses (collectively or individually)
  9. Print a statement for each loan banks and loans given to employees
  10. All equations salary and outside account and always Mandate programming in the form of variables in the system settings, making it easy for the user the owner of the authority changed at any time (such as the cost of living - retirement - Insurance - rather than the nature of the damage, rather than -foreig always - Mandate "internal and external" - transportation allowance, etc. ..)
  11. Registration of the resolution (Agheiab- days - retirement watch retriever-sanctions)
  12. Turn off the possibility (transport allowance, salary and the conversion of the bank and insurance and retirement and instead of the nature of the work, rather than damage and loans)
  13. An increment automatically or by the user
  14. Create fast conversion of the Bank to print a file with speech
  15. The system calculates the balance vacations and discount spent the balance of the employee automatically calculate the remaining balance
  16. Any query for employee vacations credit or request leave through the system can
  17. Programming all leave balances account laws in the form of variables which can be used to change the owner of the validity of the regulations by effortlessly
  18. Inventory balances employee vacations or all of the staff report (total or detailed)
  19. Record attendance (automatically - and manually effortlessly through the system)
  20. Countless delays and absences, holidays or any employee for each report
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